Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Raining on the Parade

Today the infinitely eloquent Barrack Obama gave his inauguration speech. While moving and inspiring as always, it is clear that nothing has changed or is likely to in the near future. The speech was filled to the brim with Orwellian doublespeak that has been the status quo from both sides of the aisle, (a phrase I find appropriate because most times it seems that all that separates a democrat from a republican amounts to a few inches of carpet). The man ran for office on the dubious platform of “change” and “hope”, and yet he is barely in his second breath as President before he engages in the same fear-mongering that has become a staple of the past three administrations.
“Homes have been lost; jobs shed; businesses shuttered. Our health care is too costly; our schools fail too many; and each day brings further evidence that the ways we use energy strengthen our adversaries and threaten our planet.”
Yes, the perpetrators are different, for the past eight years the threat that has kept us handing over our civil liberties has been terrorism, which Obama vaguely alludes to here, but the message is identical. The only thing that can save you from all of these terrible things is Government. This is the point he is driving home during his entire speech. He fails to mention that all of the ailments and dangers he mentions are a direct result of liberal policies, except the idea that we must save our planet, which is a product of the liberal imagination. Even as he praises the founding fathers and invokes the Constitution, he announces an assault on everything they stand for.
“On this day, we come to proclaim an end to the petty grievances and false promises, the recriminations and worn out dogmas, that for far too long have strangled our politics.”
Yes, the final nail in the Free Market’s coffin, the redistribution of wealth, higher taxes, more regulation and intervention. Definitely sounds like we are no longer concentrating on the petty grievances of forty-eight percent of the population who still hold to the “worn out dogma” of freedom. The forty-eight percent who did not vote for Barrack Obama.
That’s right. You wouldn’t know it by watching television, but Barrack Obama did not win by a landslide. He only won fifty-two percent of the popular vote. This great clamoring for Change by the people only happened on the box in the corner of your living room. There is no mythical Great Consensus as portrayed on the popular news networks. Almost half of America did not want Barrack Obama as President. There is a great rift in American society that is ever widening. You would think that this rift would be between Democrats and Republicans, but that is not the case. This great rift is between the government of the United States and its people. The founders advocated strong local government and a weak central government for exactly the purpose of avoiding this problem. The people are being taxed to death, and the government is spending more and more, exacerbating the problem by printing money until they can get the next tax increase passed. You are spoon fed lots of benevolent reasons for increased taxes. “We need more money for this project or that which will improve life for millions of people, just not you…where is your sense of community? Where is your civic pride? Where is your love for your fellow man? It’s only a small increase, you won’t miss it, it’s for a good cause and we know how to spend it properly, because, after all, we are the government.” Let’s think about this for a minute. Let’s forget about the amount that you are taxed. The idea that you are taxed even a half a percent of your income is not only morally wrong, but it’s economic suicide, and a license for government to get bigger. Suppose I walked into your house and I stole something of moderate value, say, worth three or four hundred dollars. You catch me, and call the police, and I go to court to answer for my theft. On the stand I testify that I had planned to sell what I stole and give the money to a charity, or give it to a homeless man, or to buy food for my starving children. I think it is safe to say that no matter how many well intended things I planned to do with my loot, the fact that I stole it from you is the only thing that matters, and I would go straight to jail, and rightly so. Personal property is a sacred and protected right in this country. So why do we allow the government to do the very same thing? Income tax amounts to nothing more than a politically correct version of slave labor. The Great Dog and Pony Show continues, and all the pundits and anchors and politicians on television talk about how far we’ve come and the fight for civil liberties and how much freedom we have in the United States of America, all the while the average American worker toils the first four to six months of his year to fund the government in one form or another.
Mr. Obama speaks of all men being created equal, and yet he places it on government to make them equal. He talks about freedom, but his perception of freedom is only a watered down socialism, freedom perverted into mild oppression. As Henry Ford approached cars, so liberalism approaches freedom. You may have it any way you want it, so long as you want it the way I want it. Liberty inside a box is not liberty at all. A free market with restrictions and bailouts is not a free market. A free country and a free market cannot exist apart from one another.
Oh wait! There’s more! Obama envisions a national healthcare system. A system in which the Federal government would pay for all healthcare for every citizen of the United States, including, no doubt, all the illegals that are about to receive amnesty. The drawbacks should be obvious to anyone who has served in the military, and received tax-payer funded care, which at best, can be described as mediocre. If the economy doesn’t collapse from over-inflation by the time Obama begins to implement national healthcare, which it almost certainly will at our current rate, it will, it will collapse because of over-taxation and over-inflation as a direct result of this plan. Medical science will stagnate, and America will have gone from being at one time the envy of the Scientific and Medical world to the level of a third world country in a matter of a few years.

You see? Liberalism is a vicious cycle of ignorance and blind hope. Maybe in four years we can stop the cycle.

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